Business Directory

Apparel & Gifts
Four Star Supply
2255 Villard St. | (509) 843-3693 | fourstarsupplyinc.com -
The Last Resort 2005 Tucannon Rd. | (509) 843-1556 | TheLastResortRV.com
Pomeroy Food Center
509 Columbia St. | (509) 843-3391 | PomeroyFoodCenter
Pomeroy Pharmacy
746 Main St. | (509) 843-1821 | pomeroyrx.com
The Baker's Table
847 Main St. | (509) 566-4001 | mybakerstable.com -
Twisted Wire Coffee 180 20th St. | (509) 843-2476 | TwistedWireCoffee
Pataha Flour Mills
50 Hutchens Hill Rd. | (509) 843-3799 | patahaflourmills.com
Farm & Home Supply
643 Main St. | (509) 843-3395 | fhsupply.com -
Krouse Machine Shop
954 Main St. | (509) 843-1696 -
Pomeroy Auto Parts (NAPA) | fourstarsupplyinc.com/
2255 Villard St | (509) 843-1831
Bank of Eastern Washington
782 Main St. | (509) 843-1895 | beobank.com
Cleaning Services
The Carpet Guys
1231 Columbia St. | (509) 843-6075
Community Resources
Port of Garfield County 151 W. High Drive | (509) 843-3740 | portofgarfield.com
Garfield Co Transportation 695 Main St. | (509) 843-0200 | garfield.cta.com
Pomeroy Partners for Healthy Families Coalition 856 Main St. | (509) 843-3791, Ext 4102 or 4103 PomeroyPartners.org
Garfield County 789 Main St. | (509) 843-1411 | co.garfield.wa.us
City of Pomeroy N. 80 7th St. | (509) 843-1601 | cityofpomeroy1.com
Construction & Contracting
Flynn's Electric
60 S. 7th St. | (509) 843-3873
flynnselectric@gmail.com -
Herres Enterprise, LLC
643 Arlington St. | (509) 330-1813
Quality Contracting
593 Linville Gulch Rd. | (509) 843-3853 -
TJ Mechanical
938 Arlington St. | (509) 843-3347 -
CPE Electrical Licensed & Bonded
Chris Slaybaugh | (208) 791-4120 | cpe.electric@yahoo.com CPE Electric website
Convenience Stores/Fuel
CFN |1820 Main St. | cfnnet.com
Four Star Supply
2255 Villard St. | (509) 843-3693 | fourstarsupplyinc.com -
Gas n' Go
506 Main St.
Farm Supply & Agronomy
2600 Villard St. | (509) 843-3491 | nutrienagsolutions.com -
Dye Seed Ranch
203 Connell Hill Rd. | (509) 843-3591 -
Jim’s Fertilizer
690 W. Main St. | (509) 843-1913 -
McGregor Co.
235 Hwy 12 E. | (509) 843-1468 | mcgregor.com -
Pomeroy Grain Growers
(509) 843-1394 | pomeroygrain.com -
Four Star Supply
2255 Villard St. | (509) 843-3693 | fourstarsupplyinc.com
Farm Implement Dealer/Repair
Farm & Home Supply
643 Main St. | (509) 843-3395 | fhsupply.com -
Krouse Machine Shop
954 Main St. | (509) 843-1696 -
Mulrony Truck & Tractor Repair
747 Columbia St. | (509) 843-1321
Pomeroy Food Center
509 Columbia St. | (509) 843-3391 | PomeroyFoodCenter
Funeral Services
Richardson Brown Funeral Home/ Merchant Funeral
750 Columbia St. | (509) 843-3761 www.merchantmemorialgroup.com
Hair Salons
Gypsy Styles at The Sassy Spur Barbershop
1022 Main St. | (208) 669-2804 | GypsyStyles -
Sassy Spur Barbershop
753 Main St. | (509) 843-6099
Gifts & Art
Blue Mountain Artisan Guild 745 Main St. | pomeroybmag.weebly.com
Meyers Hardware & Gifts
796 Main St. | (509) 843-3721 | meyersatpomeroy.com -
Pomeroy Pharmacy, Radio Shack & Gifts
764 Main St. | (509) 843-1821 | pomeroyrx.com -
The Curiosity Shop
850 Main St. | (509) 843-7971 | CuriosityShop
Insurance Agencies
Obenland & Low Agency
725 Main St. | (509) 843-1497 | obenlandandlow.com -
McGregor Risk Management
496 Main St. | (509) 843-2599
Meyers Hardware & Gifts
796 Main St. | (509) 843-3721 | meyersatpomeroy.com
Library and Books
Castlemoyle Books
694 Main St. | (509) 843-5009 | castlemoyle.com -
Denny Ashby Library
856 Arlington St. | (509) 843-3710 | pomeroy.lib.wa.us
Blue Mountain RV Park
2020 Columbia St. | (509) 254-1197 | bmrv.org -
Deadman Creek Outfitters
1581 Lower Deadman Rd. | (509) 843-6067 | deadmanc.com -
Garfield County Fairgrounds RV Park
Fairgrounds Rd. | (509) 843-3701 | co.garfield.wa.us -
The Ridge House B & B
569 Mountain Rd. | (509) 843-1517 | theridgehouse.com -
Maggie’s Garden B & B
714 Arlington St. | (509) 566-7125 | maggiesgardenbandb.com -
Moonlight Ridge RV Park
Mountain Rd. | (208) 791-1945 -
Pataha Creek RV Park
Port Way | (509) 843-3740 | PatahaCreekRVPark -
Pioneer Motel 1201 Main St. | (509) 843-1559 | PioneerMotel
Rather-Be’s Retreat House
382 Hwy 12 E. | (509) 843-6162 | rather-besquiltshop.com -
The Last Resort/Tucannon KOA
2005 Tucannon Rd. | (509) 843-1556 | thelastresortrv.com
Dental/Medical/Behavioral Health
Meyers Folsom Dental Clinic - Pomeroy
813 Columbia St. | (509) 843-3495 | www.meyersfolsomdental.com -
Garfield County Hospital
66 N. 6th St. | (509) 843-1591 | www.pomeroymd.com -
Pomeroy Medical Clinic
446 Pataha St. | (509) 843-1491 | www.pomeroymd.com -
Pomeroy Pharmacy
764 Main St. | (509) 843-1821 | www.pomeroyrx.com -
Quality Behavioral Health 856 Main St. | (509) 843-3791 | www.qbhs.org
School District
Pomeroy School Dist. K-12
121 10th St. | (509) 843-3393 | psd.wednet.edu
Wifi Access
Denny Ashby Library
856 Arlington St. | (509) 843-3710 | pomeroy.lib.wa.us -
Meyers Hardware & Gifts
796 Main St. | (509) 843-3721 | meyersatpomeroy.com
Newspaper, Print, & Publishing
Castlemoyle Books
694 Main St. | (509) 843-5009 | castlemoyle.com -
East Washingtonian
742 Main St. | (509) 843-1313 | eastwashingtonian.com
Real Estate
RE/MAX Rock-n-Roll Realty
(208) 743-9772 | REMAXRocknRoll Realty
Professional Services
Garfield County Title Company
620 Main St. | (509) 843-1851 -
Boggs Ortuno, PLLC 809 Columbia St. | (509) 843-1396 | smkb-law.com
Munoz Law Office
181 S. 8th St. | (509) 843-3886 -
RPW Structural Engineering 778 Main St. | (509) 843-1778 | RPWStructuralEngineer
RS Bookkeeping Services
56 N. 8th St. | (509) 843-1353 -
SEWEDA (Southeast Washington EDA)
(509) 751-9144 | seweda.org -
WSU Extension Office
757 Main St. | (509) 843-3701 | extension.wsu.edu/garfield
Church of the Nazarene
135 9th St. | (509) 843-1075 | PomeroyNazarene -
First Christian Church
310 8th St. | (509) 843-1931 | PomeroyChristian -
Holy Rosary Catholic Church 634 High St. | (509) 843-3801
St. Peter's Episcopal Church 710 High St. | (509) 843-6155 | StPetersEpiscopal
United Methodist Church 796 Columbia St. | (509) 843-3821 | UnitedMethodist
Pomeroy Baptist Church 161 S. 7th St. | (509) 843-2454
Pataha Flour Mill (Non-denominational services) 50 Hutchens Hill Rd. | (509) 843-3799 | PatahaFlourMill
Welding & Fabrication
Wally’s Welding
747 Columbia St. | (509) 843-1321